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Sunday, October 25, 2020


 President Donald Trump says he may leave the country if he loses to Vice-President Joe Biden this November 3, 2020.  It will be America's Most Important Presidential Election in history.

Will  American voters choose 4 more years of hate, fear-mongering, lies, division and incompetence? Will they re-elect President Trump?

America can still save its soul.  The devil has a firm grip on it with Donald Trump as president.

Vice-President Joe Biden offers to walk US away from racism, hatred, division and lies.

Biden stands for Unity, Love, Justice, Honesty and Tolerance.

V.O.T.E.  Vote Out Trump Expeditiously!

V.O.T.E.R.  Vote Out Trumpista Evil Republicans!

Vote For America!

Vote For Joe Biden For President!

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